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We have already seen how to pass banner ad attributes to landing pages and also how to how to pass custom site variables to landing pages in our previous articles. Now, how can we get them included in the form submit of a landing page and get them emailed along with the lead. Here is how we can do it. Follow these steps in your landing page corresponding to your ad.
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| 5 min read
Twig is a modern template engine for PHP. It is fast, flexible, and more secure. Twig is a template framework and is a direct replacement for PHP Template. There are lots of differences between PHP template and Twig. Drupal 8 is developed with help of Symfony2 framework, and the template files in Drupal 8 are in twig format.Read on to find out more about twig and debugging of twig.
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| 4 min read
Have you ever seen your face? Not in a mirror, but with your own eyes? You may have seen other parts of your body, but never your face. When you think about it, there are so many things that are not humanly possible. That is why we need machines. Simply put, technology should aid in human development. But as any other thing, if technology is misused, it becomes a curse. The collective effort of mankind may never be able to find ideal solutions to technological challenges, as done by a state ­of­ the art A.I Quantum computer. This sets the stage for Artificial intelligence.
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| 5 min read
As Zyxware Technologies forges ahead in its journey to achieve the target of Rs.100 crores and 1,000 people by 2018-19, we realize that building powerful leadership capabilities is going to be a major differentiator.Hence, each of us need to take stock of our present, reflect on our past, and prepare for the future as leaders. Our goals will demand the best out of us.
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| 7 min read
In order to identify what to write on in this edition of the newsletter, I interacted with some people in Zyxware. The suggestions, at first glance, appeared varied. But the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a common thread running through them. The common thread is that of the future of Zyxware as an organisation, its vision and how it plans to get there. I am putting together a response here which are broad answers to the questions. More specificity would require me to take up more space which I am afraid will not be possible in the newsletter. But I would be happy to engage in the comments section.
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| 16 min read
Anoop John, CTO, Zyxware Technologies, is a man of many interests and an ardent proponent of the free software philosophy. This man is a polymath who loves to speak, and funnily enough has an opinion on everything under the sun! An avid blogger, he has documented a lot of data in his blog,, which covers his thoughts on topics varying from activism, to sociology, psychology, ethics, law and much more! All that being said, he is a simple man who just wants to make a difference, bring upon a positive change in the society and help his fellow people. This interview with him sheds light on his journey, his philosophies and the kind of man that he is personally.
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| 2 min read
The term 'RSS' refers to Really Simple Syndication(Rich Site Summary). RSS allows you to group the content in your website and provides an easy way to view and share the contents in the site. RSS files are automatically updated whenever new content is published in the site. A user can subscribe to the RSS feed of a website using feed readers, such as Google, My Yahoo, Bloglines, Live Bookmarks etc. This keeps the user updated when new content has been added to the site. RSS is written as an XML file.
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| 2 min read
Webform is a helpful module that enables you to submit information such as contact forms, surveys etc. It is easy to configure webform in a drupal site. Now, what about displaying a webform inside a colorbox? Although it is easy to install colorbox module and write custom code to display webform, we also have to effectively handle form submission and validation errors. However, there is an easy way in drupal7 to display a webform inside a colorbox.
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| 2 min read
Drupal is a stable,reliable, and robust Content Management System. Views is a Drupal module, which provides a flexible method for site designers to control how lists and tables of content, or any other type of content has to be presented. The views module was a contributed one and was later adapted to the core from Drupal 8. Drupal views are being used by almost 75% of the Drupal based sites to present the elements in a page. Most of the websites still use the Views module versions such as 6.x. Drupal Views versions, 6.x-2.9, 6.x-2.10 and 6.x-2.11, in Drupal 6 are vulnerable.
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| 4 min read
Universal Analytics is a set of technological innovations that is aimed at improving the way data is collected and processed in Google Analytics.The Universal Analytics Upgrade is a process which is used to upgrade all your classic Google Analytics properties into Universal Analytics properties without losing any data or changing your account settings.All Google Analytics properties will soon be required to use Universal Analytics. Any properties that don’t follow the upgrade process will be auto-transferred to Universal Analytics in the future.
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| 2 min read
A new requirement from one of our clients was to create a 'custom view' tab in Drupal my account page. The tab should lead to a page that lists the user’s content in descending order by date of placement. We were all set to create it through code, but interestingly we came up with a different solution. All that was required was just a few minor admin configurations, and the tab was ready in a few minutes. Here are the steps to create a custom view tab in Drupal 7 my account page.
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