
Zyxware default image2
| 1 min read
We had just completed switching our site from Windows IIS MySQL PHP to LAMP environment. As the deployment was via git, we downloaded project files with the ftp credentials and deployed the site via git. However, the 'sites/default/files' folder were of some GBs in size. We only had ftp credentials and was unable to get a compressed copy due to certain reasons. What we did to resolve the problem was use wget command to copy files recursively.
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| 3 min read
Zyxware Technologies has developed and contributed CiviWCI (CiviCRM Widget Creation Interface) to the Free Software Foundation to assist in the fund raising campaign that FSF is launching in Dec 2014. The extension is expected to help FSF create “Donate Now” and “Join Now” widgets (fund raising and newsletter subscription) that can be embedded on any site that wishes to support FSF. This extension will replace the earlier widget system used by FSF. Through this contribution, Zyxware once again reaffirms its commitment to Free Software and the community around Free Software.
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| 2 min read
Nmap(Network-mapper) is an open source tool that is pretty useful for networking scanning. This tool provides various options that are useful for carrying out security audits. Nmap is a powerful tool used to check the network inventory, host uptime etc. If you are a GNU/LINUX administrator, you may find the following 10 Nmap commands extremely useful Some of the useful Nmap commands are as mentioned below:
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| 4 min read
I was faced with a requirement to convert number to words/string in Indian naming system with lakhs and crores. I had to generate the amount in words for printing it out on a bill. The total amount, provided to the customer, needed to be converted to string. For example, if 1345673 was to be converted to Thirteen lakh Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Three, these functions will have to be followed.
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| 2 min read
I have a number of affiliate links in my page. The affiliate links are generated dynamically and so, I don't know the number of affiliate links generated in the current page. I had a requirement to open all affiliate links simultaneously upon clicking on a search all link in my page. Initially, I was not aware of the jQuery each function. So, I placed all the affiliate links in a particular div and used the size function to get the number of 'a' tags inside that div and used a 'for loop' to iterate through the 'a' tags and applied the behavior. However, after that I found there is an each function in jQuery, which can be used to itereate through all the elements with a particular identity.
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| 2 min read
Often, when you update styles or images on your website, the users of your web application might still get the old logo or style. This is because the browser caches the resources on your web application. Hence, when the user tries to access the application, it will be loaded from the local computer, not from the server. Here is a solution for this issue. Read on to know how to expire cached resources on your browser from your web application itself.
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We have seen how to pass banner ad attributes to landing pages in our previous article, How to pass openx banner ad attributes to landing pages. We have passed the banner ad attributes supported by Openx using magic macros. Now, what if the variable that we want to pass is not available in the list of macros supported by OpenX? Read on to find out how to pass custom site variables in openx to landing pages.
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| 2 min read
One of our partners came to us with a very innovative requirement for their OpenX banner ads that we placed on our site. Our partner wanted to pass the ad name and source(zone) as variables to landing pages. They basically wanted to pass the openx banner ad attributes to landing pages so that the landing pages could be modified accordingly. We thought it was a good idea and proceeded to modify it.
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| 4 min read
Internet is overhauling every piece of human life. As the resulting phenomenon of booming telecommunications market, around 60% of people access sites through smartphones, tablets etc. Why say this? How web developers are related to telecommunications booming? We might have seen some sites look good in few devices and not in others. As all these devices have a different display, here comes the relevance of discussing responsive designs. The advantage of responsive designs includes, 1. It will simultaneously adjust its width with the device.
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| 4 min read
Zyxware Technologies is engaged in the business of web applications development services. Its chosen technology platform is Drupal, a Free Software. It is one of the largest code contributors to Drupal from India. It has set about an ambitious target of of Rs.100 crores in revenue by end of 2018-2019. Its current revenue stream is from USA and UK generated primarily through a strong on-line brand. As part of its expansion plans, it is pursuing off-line country specific strategies with a physical presence being a key element of the marketing strategy. The first foray will be into the Australian market. It currently owns a subsidiary in Australia. Over 2014-15, we are expecting a significant portion of our targeted revenues from Australia. While exploratory work will happen with USA and UK will happen in 2014-15, we expect focused business development activity only towards the latter half of 2015-16. Subsequently, it will also be entering the market in the middle east with a focus on U.A.E., Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
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| 4 min read
I am delighted to see that a newsletter has been started in Zyxware. This will be one more medium for exchange of ideas apart from the skype and whatsapp groups that are already there in Zyxware. Hopefully, we will be able to create more forums, including focused groups, that will make Zyxware a vibrant and creative place bustling with ideas.
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| 5 min read
Quite often we feel the need for comparing wages in different countries when one is engaging with a global talent pool. We face this need when we evaluate the costs of setting up a development centre in Australia or when we are discussing with a potential hire who is then based out of India. In such scenarios, purchasing power parity is a useful concept to make wage comparisons across different countries meaningful. It might be a slightly crude approach but it can be useful when you are looking for ball parks or quick evaluations.
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