
Social Media Post Automation
| 4 min read
This article reveals how we tackled the daunting task of creating social media content for a large event with over 100 sessions. By leveraging the power of Generative AI and no-code tools, we automated the entire process, from content and image generation to scheduling and publishing. Discover how we achieved efficiency and freed up time for strategic marketing efforts.
Social Media Marketing
| 8 min read
Sales and marketing misalignment is a costly problem, leading to wasted resources, lost leads, and stunted business growth. This disconnect arises from siloed teams, mismatched goals, and poor communication. But it doesn't have to stay this way! By fostering collaboration, integrating tools to share data and insights, and setting shared objectives, businesses can transform sales and marketing into a unified growth engine. This shift unlocks the potential for targeted leads, higher conversions, increased sales, and sustainable success.
AI News avatar
| 9 min read
Generative AI is transforming the way we consume and create content. From crafting captivating educational materials to delivering timely news updates, AI avatars are emerging as a powerful tool for dynamic information delivery. These virtual presenters are becoming increasingly realistic, making video production easier than ever. The ability to automate the process end-to-end—from text input and templates to the final rendered video—is now within reach. Research is ongoing, and Microsoft's advanced VASA-1 model offers a glimpse of the future, where super-realistic videos can be generated from just a photo.
Matamo Analytics Dashboard
| 4 min read
Google Universal Analytics (UA) is scheduled for full shutdown on July 1st, 2024. Google recommends exporting your data directly from the UA interface or, for UA 360 customers, via BigQuery export. However, the UA interface limits downloads to 5,000 records at a time, making comprehensive backups tedious for websites with larger traffic volumes. This article explore 3 free tools that can be used to automate the backup of your UA Reports.
Universal Analytics End Of Life
| 4 min read
Google Analytics is sending out reminders about the complete shutdown of Universal Analytics (UA) services and APIs on July 1st, 2024. Many organizations have migrated to GA4 or GA4 alternatives like Matomo, Plausible Analytics, or SEAL Metrics. But what about your historical UA data? Google's only suggestion is to manually export reports – a daunting task for websites with 10-15 years of data. There's no Takeout option.
Drupal as a DXP
| 8 min read
Digital channels open up a world of possibilities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), allowing them to reach wider audiences and better engage with customers. A Composable Digital Business Platform, especially a Composable Digital Experience Platform (DXP), provides the backbone for successful digital transformation. At the heart of a DXP lies a powerful Web Content Management System (WebCMS) that empowers you to create compelling content, seamlessly integrate tools, and deliver engaging experiences across all channels. Here are the essential attributes to consider when choosing your DXP's WebCMS foundation
Composable Digital Business Platform
| 13 min read
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, offering a wealth of opportunities to enhance operations, customer experiences, and innovation. However, fully leveraging AI's potential poses challenges, particularly for businesses entangled in a web of independent SaaS and digital systems. These specialized tools, while valuable in their own right, often create data silos and hinder seamless integration. This fragmented landscape poses significant hurdles for businesses seeking to leverage data and AI effectively. Budgetary constraints, limited resources, and the complexity of integrating disparate tools can leave even the most forward-thinking CTOs facing a daunting climb. This article explores the challenges of data silos and offers strategies to overcome them, allowing businesses to optimize their AI capabilities and drive innovation.
Software Bug Illustration
| 4 min read
Accurately classifying the bug report ticket is important to manage a software support project. It guides resource allocation, prioritization, and ultimately, project success. Misclassification of bug severity, especially overestimating it, can lead to resource misallocation, where minor issues consume attention that should be directed towards more critical problems. It creates a 'cry wolf' scenario, where every issue is seen as critical, making it difficult to identify truly urgent problems.
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