
Drupal Migration Services Made Easy with Zyxware
| 2 min read
A public research university in Melbourne, Australia, renowned for its TAFE and higher education courses, has been consistently ranked high globally, including in the Times Higher Education rankings. The university faced a major challenge in migrating its extensive, complex Drupal website to the latest version. This case study outlines how our team assisted the university in successfully migrating about 2000 pages of unstructured content to a new structured website format.
Universal Analytics End of Life
| 6 min read
Universal Analytics (UA) ceased processing data on July 1st, 2023. Google has announced a complete shutdown of the UA interface and APIs slated for July 1st, 2024. In response, we have released a free Python script to demonstrate how to download UA data programmatically.
Manappuram Finance -  UX case study
| 6 min read
In a digital age where user experience is king, our project set out to transform Manappuram Finance Ltd.'s digital platform with a dual focus: enhancing lead generation and redefining customer experience. This case study delves into the UX aspects of the project, detailing the journey of this transformation and illustrating how a nuanced approach to digital engagement can drive business growth and enhance customer satisfaction.
Manappuram Home
| 9 min read
Manappuram Finance Ltd revamped its website as a digital experience platform with the help of Zyxware, highlighting convenience as the key selling point to differentiate from competitors. The new platform provides improved discoverability, a better customer experience, and enhanced security. Customers can now apply for loans and manage their accounts online, while the platform is optimized for different devices, mobile-friendly, and SEO-friendly. Overall, the revamped platform provides a seamless experience to customers, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Sample Schedule
| 16 min read
The digital landscape demands agility and foresight. With Drupal's revised release and support plan, users now have a reliable framework to stay ahead of the curve. Unpredictable release schedules often created uncertainty and complexity in maintaining Drupal-powered websites. However, those days are now behind us. Drupal has introduced a significant shift in its release and support strategy, empowering its users to confidently plan for the future and address challenges with newfound clarity. Let's explore what this means for the Drupal community
Filtering Contacts
| 7 min read
We encountered a challenge within one of our large target audience database, which included names, emails, and designations. Multiple contacts from the same company, bearing similar or varied designations, populated the dataset. Mass emailing several contacts within a single company isn't a good idea. We must extract one key contact from each company for our campaign to address this. This article showcase the spreadsheet based solution we have used to extract the required contacts
Digital Experience Platforms
| 7 min read
Modern websites have transformed significantly beyond static pages and basic interactivity. With the seamless integration of mobile and web technology, the goal is to offer immersive and dynamic digital experiences. This evolution is primarily driven by the demands of today's users, who expect a blend of intuitive design, personalized content, and cross-platform accessibility. As a result, the rise of Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) is evident, aiming to interconnect various technologies to optimize user interactions and engagement.
Matamo Analytics Dashboard
| 5 min read
Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a powerful and Free and Open Source web analytics platform that offers website owners a comprehensive insight into their online traffic, user behavior, and digital marketing effectiveness. This guide will give you the step by step instructions to setup and configure Matomo in Ubuntu 22.04
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