
Visualizing Drupal's Diverse Capabilities for Business Success
| 8 min read
Drupal isn't just a CMS anymore. It has evolved to become a central part of the larger digital experience platform ecosystem. Designed to cater to agile marketing and communication teams, its functionality extends far beyond a traditional CMS. It offers a vast array of capabilities, suitable for a wide range of digital projects, thereby showcasing Drupal's versatility. This article explores seven business requirements ideally suited for Drupal solutions.
Google Search Result Update
| 7 min read
Google is making changes to its search results, affecting FAQ and How-To rich results. FAQ rich results will now only be displayed for authoritative government and health websites, while How-To rich results will be limited to desktop users. These changes won't affect a site's ranking, and website owners don't need to remove existing structured data. Read more to understand these changes better and to learn about the actions you may need to take
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