
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
Highcharts is a charting library written in pure HTML5/JavaScript. Without generating the image we can display the graph. Download highcharts library from I have a requirement to generate a multiple-line graph. In my situation , I have to generate multiple-line graphs. So I choose javascript to generate multiple-line graphs, it will increase the performance also. Otherwise, it will increase the server load (if I generate a graph as an image). Javascript graphs allow interaction between the graph and elements in your html. It will also reduce the Server load. I have downloaded the high chart api, and include the js files. They give some sample graph, you can choose as per your requirement. To draw a graph we need to pass json value. And follow the steps given below.
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| 2 min read
Elance tracker helps individuals to track the time they have worked and this is automatically populates to work time sheet in elance. And this time sheet is automatically submitted to the client. So if you are working on elance projects some times it is necessary to track time through elance tracker. If incase you came up an error "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: adobeair (>= 1: in Ubuntu 12.04" while installing Elance tracker, you may follow the below steps to resolve it.
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| 2 min read
If you are a Nginx web server user and using Drupal as your CMS, it is quite different for redirects. Imagine that you have two websites, so if we change from an old site to a new site some of the URL will return 'Page not found'. So for that reason we can redirect them to the correct URL. If you are also looking for a 301 redirect for your Drupal site please read on.
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| 2 min read
Test cases and Test Scenario are the documents used by the testers to ensure that the application meets the customer requirements. These are the most important documents that the testers prepare prior to testing. Even though the core objective of the documents is the same, there is a difference in their representation. Read on to know more.
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| 3 min read
Here is a document which describes how the contents in a View can be displayed in a table format as well as it can be dragged and dropped from one row to an another row without using any additional jQuery functions. We have done this in Drupal 7 and this can be achieved using a module named 'DragabbleViews'. You can download it from this link: This module requires the 'Views' module to be installed already in your system.
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| 2 min read
By default in drupal if we click on any taxonomy term, it will execute the taxonomy/term/% menu. We can change this default taxonomy/term/% menu path to a custom menu path. In one of my project I had a requirement to execute a custom function for my vocabulary in stead of executing the taxonomy/term/% menu and I had found a solution for this. The following are the steps to be done.
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| 2 min read
The Apache Solr module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform. Solr search can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra features and better performance. The apachesolr module requires the external PHP library,"SolrPhpClient". If this is missing in your apachesolr module directory, it will show the following fatal error after installing or updating this module.
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| 2 min read
The following is the shell script that will shutdown all computers in the network. This script will be really help full for system administrators who need not want to check all systems, whether all the systems in the office has been shutdown properly when the employees leave the office. The script will check all the active ips in the network and write the those ips to a file. It also login to each system and execute the shutdown command. The things that are to be done before running the script is to 'Make sure your public-key has been added in the authorized_keys file in .ssh folder of root'. This allows the script to login to each system by the method of public-key authentication rather than prompting for password. And also the 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' will avoid all prompts during ssh.
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| 3 min read
As you know that it is not easy to check manually the broken links in a website. Suppose if the site contains thousands of web pages and the pages keeps on getting added or deleted at the same time. In this situation it is impossible to manually test the broken links in a site. So in this case you need a tool to do this job. 'Xenu's Link Sleuth' free application helps you to check all links on web pages for errors. The application will shows which links are broken and which are active. So here I am explaining how to test broken links in a website by this application.
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| 5 min read
Getting search fields inside a view is easy that is adding a field in 'Filter :Criteria' and exposing it, so we get the search field and now you can search based on that field.And when we require more than one field to be searched we need to include it by adding the fields in 'Filter Criteria' and exposing it , which looks weird when we have 3 fields in a single search form.So what if we have an option to make it a single field say we have to search the contents based on 3 fields with a single search field.Isn't that interesting?Here comes the use of 'Finder' module which is safe and sound.
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| 3 min read
Suppose your Drupal project handles products which can be purchased through online and you are using Ubercart 'taxes' module to handle tax rates which are applicable to your product. Also Admin has the permission to add tax rates and conditions. And a registered user can buy the product. Here I am going to explain some of the test cases which you have to execute while testing this functionality. The cases you have to test are:
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Use case lists the steps involved in the interaction between the actor and the system. Here actor refers to the users who are interacting with the system. The main objective of the use case is to co-ordinate the functional requirement, user roles and basic flow of actions into a single document. Like SRS, 'use case' template is prepared at the beginning of the SDLC. The use cases are often prepared by the Business Analysts. The main difference between use case and test case is that, use case focuses on the requirement of the site (business requirement) while test cases include different scenarios (positive and negative) for ensuring the correctness of the application. Use case can be used as a reference for writing test cases, for getting a basic work flow of the site. Since use cases focuses on the customer requirement, the document plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the product. Here is a use case template, you can refer while preparing Use cases for your projects.
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