
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Suppose you are testing a product selling website and the site has affiliate links for products. From a tester point of view here I am explaining the cases to be considered while testing affiliate links. Before going to the cases, here I give a general idea about Affiliate links. Affiliate links means they are external links from a site that leads to services, merchants or vendors and it is mainly used for generating revenues for a site based on the clicks. Commonly seen Affiliate links are Ads displayed on a site and when a user clicks the ads the site gets revenue. Suppose your Drupal site displays a product say "books" and links to merchant sites like Amazon or eBay are displayed as affiliated links for that product. When user clicks on 'Amazon or eBay' links, it will be redirected to their corresponding merchant site and user can buy the product from that site. So when a user purchases a product using this affiliate link, our site will gets revenue from merchant sites.
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| 3 min read
Entry and exit criterias are certain conditions that should be satisfied in order to enter or exit a specific project or cycle. In case of software testing, entry criteria defines the conditions to be satisfied in order for the testing to begin and exit criteria define the conditions that have to be satisfied in order to stop the testing. Both of these will be defined in the test plan. Once the entry and exit criteria are defined, approval should be obtained from the stakeholders if there is change in the defined conditions.
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| 3 min read
The article explain how to make mp3 files directly streaming on your website without users having to download the file. To do so I am using contributed module from Drupal that is Soundmanager2 module. It provides the Drupal interaction with the soundmanager2 libraries containing three default player style. Here I am just creating a content type for uploading the mp3 files. By creating a node to this content type we can upload the files and displaying mp3 player will be done by soundmanager2 libraries. For integrating MP3 file in your Drupal 7 , you need download modules and the libraries.
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| 2 min read
Zyxware Technologies is pleased to announce our bronze sponsorship for DrupalSouth 2015 to be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (MCEC) in Melbourne, Australia, from 5-7 March 2015. DrupalSouth is a non-profit conference organized by a team of volunteers from the Drupal community with monetary and legal support provided by Linux Australia Inc.
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| 2 min read
If you add Facebook like/share buttons to your page, people can share your page to their Facebook wall. Facebook will pick the image and description based on the open graph meta tags specified on the page. In some cases, you may find that even if you have specified the open graph description and image tags, the image shared on Facebook is different.
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| 2 min read
Are you looking for a method to measure your test coverage? Are you finding it difficult to give an exact percentage of your testing? If so here is a simple template for you to calculate the test coverage. As we know, test coverage is the amount of testing performed. It could be calculated as below: (Number of test cases executed/Total number of test cases) X 100%
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
This article describes a checklist on some of the important data to be collected before migration and how to collect the data. This may seem like a trivial task but just like it is important to have a manual for an electronic device before you take it apart and put it back, it is important to have a technical manual of the site. If it is a complex site, with a lot of data, then this is mandatory.
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| 2 min read
Mutation testing is a type of white box testing in which we mutate certain statement in the source code inorder to identify the effectiveness of the test case. A mutation is a small change in a program. It is a type of unit testing, the changes in the source code will be small so that it does not affect the objective of the program.
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| 3 min read
In Drupal 6, the configuration of vocabulary itself has an option to specify the content types that requires this vocabulary. There is only global settings for the vocabulary. If we set the vocabulary as multiple select, it will apply to all of the content types to which it belongs. We can not set this field as multiple select in one content type and single select in others.
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| 3 min read
One of our Drupal clients was using banner ads for their affiliates to bring in more members. Unfortunately these banner ads were placed inside the content with a page (A Drupal node) and the embed code for the banner ads generated using PHP code by enabling the PHP filter. If you have spent time in the Drupal world you would be knowing that enabling the PHP filter within the content area is a big security vulnerability. So the alternative was to use tokens. Read on to know how to replace a token within the content area of a node in Drupal.
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| 3 min read
There are certain cases were we need a copy of our database. In this case we need to export the database in the sql format. This is a simple process and can done in few steps. Certain cases we need full database for example if we need a backup copy of database we need to export the full database and in cases we need to export only certain table from the database. Both are possible. Both the exporting steps are given below
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| 2 min read
Suppose you are working in a software enterprise and you have to combine different csv files to create a report. It is a tedious job if you try to combine it manually by copying and pasting. We can do it if there exists only 2 0r 3 files. But if we have to merge too many files, it is not time worthy. Here I am going to explain a simple step procedure to combine multiple csv files in linux operating system through command prompt.
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| 10 min read
Vimal Joseph, Technical Architect, Zyxware Technologies is an ardent proponent of the free software philosophy. His arrival was marked by quite a few changes in Zyxware. The version control system ‘git’, our project tracker, etc are a very few of the changes he put forward in Zyxware. He is a man of integrity and discipline as one can see from the Zyx3 office that he heads. We Zyxians often joke that Zyx3 is the quietest when he is present! He is by nature a quiet, calm horse and he thinks he is an introvert. He has provided technical consultancy for various external agencies like Kerala State IT Mission, State Institute of Encyclopedic Publications, University of Calicut on projects like Malayalam Computing, ICT for Visually challenged people (Insight), Migrating content to Media wiki etc… This is a sneak peek into the mind of our dear Vimal Joseph, the tech genius.
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| 3 min read
Zyxware Technologies is a partner for the ongoing Diaspora Yatra, a country-wide campaign that seeks to promote Diaspora and privacy in digital communications. If you are an ardent advocate of digital freedom, you probably can't give it a miss!
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| 10 min read
Slideshow is one of the common functionality you would find in the homepage of websites. It is nothing but the slides with text/pictures used to give an idea of the website. It can be used to summarize the various aspects of the company into a compact and user-friendly slider. Slideshows can be of different designs. Some of the websites use buttons to highlight the navigation of the slides while others use numbers, thumbnail images and so on. Here I have included an image, in which numbering is used for highlighting slider navigation.
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