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Are you familiar with responsive Web design? If not, then it's high time you get exposed to it. If your business is not utilizing responsive web design to your advantage or planning to go for it any time soon, your business is surely at risk. However, what exactly is responsive design?
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| 4 min read
Nodequeue is a module in Drupal which allows users to enlist, remove, arrange and display a queue of nodes. It has a drag-and-drop interface which facilitates the manual re-ordering of the queue. Even without the edit permissions to nodes, users are allowed to add and remove nodes from the queue. This module is usually used on sites which have features that allow users to manually control the order of display of nodes.
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| 2 min read
If you want to display large amount of content in a page on your site then using text scrollers would be one of the best methods. For example if you have lot of news and events to be displayed in a site, then using text scroller will allow the user to scroll over all the data.This can be easily implemented using views and jcarousel module. Read on to know how to display contents as text scroller in Drupal sites?.
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| 3 min read
When we try to theme a Drupal website certain case we need to create particular region in the Drupal website. Adding region for a Drupal website is not a hard task, even a developer first creating a Drupal website can create a region. In order to add regions inside a Drupal website we only need to add a few lines extra for that. Below there are three version of drupal for the drupal 6 and 7 version creating the region is same but for the Drupal 5 version it is slightly different.
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| 5 min read
In Drupal, if you have a content type and you want to change the output of any field to something else you can use field formatter with field API. This enables a display settings for any fields in a content type and where you can manage the output as you wish. This article shares how to create a field formatter for your Drupal content types. There are some contributed modules for custom field formatters. But if you really want to create or learn about creating a field formatter programmatically, just go through this article
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| 5 min read
We all are familiar with the drop-downs on website. It is used to list a series of items under a box/menu. Suppose we have a page which lists apparels. And in apparels we have categories like shirts, t-shirts, trousers etc. We can sort these categories with the help of a drop-down (select tool). The working of drop-down is in such a way that, by default the drop-down will list only one item. When user clicks the down arrow which is displayed near to the menu, the drop-down will be dropped down and will list all the choices below. The drop-down may have pretty large list of items. So in order to select the down most items, there will option for users to scroll down. These are the primary things about a drop-down. Now lets see the test cases for testing the drop-down.
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| 3 min read
Cause effect graphing is a mapping technique, which is used to analyse combination of input conditions and effects may be through of as the output. The Cause-Effect Graphing technique derives the least number of test cases to cover 100% of the functional requirements to improve the quality of test coverage.The cause-effect graphing technique uses the same algorithms that are used in hardware logic circuit testing. It has the ability to detect defects that cancel each other out, and the ability to detect defects hidden by other things going right. It is a graphical representation of inputs (causes) with their associated outputs (effects), which can be used to design test cases.
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| 3 min read
If we create a drupal website and if we are trying to add a new theme for the website from the themes available what to do ? The first thing is to find a suitable theme for the website as per the requirement of the site. Before searching for a new theme we need to do certains things, try to sketch out the general layout of the new site. There are few thing we need to give some importance.
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| 4 min read
When your trying to implement a new feature(say a module or theme) in your local machine for a website, first thing you have to test is the compatability in all browsers. If you want to test your feature in multiple machines, its not always easy to download and setup on each machine. In my case, I am using Ubuntu and I have to always test compatability of a site in IE browsers which cannot be installed in ubuntu. So what I did here is created a virtual host for my site in my local machine and using my ip address I created a virtual host in other machines so that I could easily access all my sites in my local machine from diffrent machines.
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| 3 min read
Stock tickers are representations of companies enlisted on the stock market. Any website which deals with the stock related content is bond to use stock tickers in one form or the other. Stock ticker is normally less than 5 characters in length and written in upper case. They are usually clickable and on clicking those, people are directed to a listing of all content related to that stock ticker.
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| 2 min read
In Drupal, some modules add tabs to pages and these tabs(Primary tabs) are shown in the top of each page for authenticated users. Some of these tabs are not needed for some roles. There are cases where we want to hide such tabs like, Bookmarks, File browser, Orders etc., from primary tabs for roles other than administrator. We can remove these undesired tabs from primary tabs programmatically.
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| 2 min read
This article explains how to programmatically, save custom additions to the user object when a new user account is created in Drupal. We can understand this with an example. Say, we want to create a default album with every newly created user, then we can use the following to save the custom additions. Similarly any of your additions can be done after referring the following.
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| 4 min read
This is an article about how you can create a custom color switching theme with the help of Drupal 7 color module. Color module is a Drupal core module comes with Drupal and you can use this module to colorize your theme. Garland is a Drupal theme which uses color module to colorize its various content. If you want to know more about how to create a colorized theme by using Drupal 7 color module read on.
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