
Zyxware default image4
| 1 min read
While working on Drupal sites, we could come across a requirement to show the contents aggregated from different domains. The content could be a blog of the site, list of recent articles and comments etc. For Aggregating contents into Drupal, feeds system is used. By aggregating the contents we can show the combined collection of data/content from different Drupal sites on one single domain.
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| 3 min read
Drupal stands apart from open-source content management systems, such as Joomla and WordPress, due to various reasons. What gives Drupal a far greater edge over other content management systems is the the development of tightly configured sites that are scalable and secure. Moreover, the Drupal modules are simple and iterative, thus easing the burden of administering Drupal.
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| 3 min read
Globalization testing is a type of testing to make sure that software can handle any locale, culture, without breaking the functionality. This testing would be performed using all type of international input and validate whether the software is capable for using all around the world.
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| 2 min read
Drupal 7 has a contributed module "Nodequeue" which allows users to collect nodes in an arbitrarily ordered list. It provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to manually order any queue. If you want to create a node to the nodequeue programmatically then you need to read this article. For creating you need to have two things: node id $nid and the queue name queue_name. Here how it can done, we firstly load the nodequeue by name and then add the node to the queue using function nodequeue_subqueue_add. Below code snippets adds a node to the queue.
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| 3 min read
Drupal 7 provides a flexible supports to create a Taxonomy. There is powerful core module called Taxonomy which allows us to create, manage and apply vocabularies. In Drupal, the terms are gathered within "vocabularies". Taxonomy has a ability to add taxonomy fields to vocabularies and terms. When we come across inserting the taxonomy terms programmatically, we will need to add fields values to that taxonomy term. So In this section we are going to create a custom field values to the taxonomy terms. Below is the code snippet, that is the array structure to create field values.
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| 3 min read
First of all let us see what is responsive theme testing. Responsive theming is nothing but just testing and ensuring whether the website layout, images and its functionalities are working on different mobile versions as it is working on your desktop. In short we can say that responsive theming is ensuring the flexibility of a website on mobiles. Here are the steps involved for responsive theme testing which you can refer while testing the same.
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| 4 min read
CSV the Comma-Separated Value or the Character-Separated Value is a highly useful format frequently used to save data from websites. Any spreadsheet program like MS Excel or even an ASCII text-editing application can be used to import the data. In one of my recent projects, there was a requirement to provide an Export link, which should export the report to a CSV file. The report had three fields ( product, quantity and amount). It also had a 'from date' and 'to date' field for sorting the report between a period. Following are the test cases I executed for this case.
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| 4 min read
As you know, in agile methodology, Developers, Testers and Business work closely. So before going to the topic "Roles and responsibilities of a tester", here I give a brief description about Agile method. In this method the entire application development activity will be divided into regular time frames called sprints. The sprint period may be one or two weeks, one month or 2 months based on the nature of the project. So the first phase is sprint planning.
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| 3 min read
Now a days, website handles important functionalities like online transactions (payments, data transfer) etc. Therefore the security of the websites should be ensured or security testing should be carried out before taking the website to live. Security testing is a testing method in which we ensure that the confidential datas of a website are accessible only to the intended people and not to others. In this article, I have included a brief note on how to test Secure Pages module on a Drupal site.
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