
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
Ionic is a framework helping to build hybrid mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript on top of Cordova/PhoneGap. It makes building of rich mobile UI easier and faster. Apart from basic framework, it includes some tools and utilities also. Generate basic application structure from existing templates, generate icons and splash screens for almost all screen sizes, test the mobile app on desktop browser using built-in webserver etc are few of them.
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| 4 min read
When Dries Buytaert and Hans Snijder wrote Drupal as a message board that would help them to communicate news and announcements between the student communities, little would they have imagined that it would become an open source in 2001 and go on to become an extremely popular Content Management platform.
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| 2 min read
Identifying size of device screen is easy in a Cordova application. But is not available directly. We can get the screen object from window.screen and it has width and height properties. The problem is, these width and height may not represent physical screen, but the concept called CSS pixel.
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| 3 min read
In 2003, Hutchison, a multinational telecommunications company, reflected on various strategies to make its mark in the crowded telecom market. It had to communicate to its customer about its brand proposition and make a promise. And this is what they did…
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| 6 min read
Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a small bakery shop in a hill station, you are a brand. When Indian Coffee House came into being way back in 1936, the term branding was not there. Nevertheless, the concept of branding was there. By the end of 1940, there were 50 odd outlets of Indian Coffee House all over the country. All the outlets were uniformly done up, starting from the décor to the clothes that the waiters wore to the crockery used and last but not the least the aroma of the steamy cuppa coffee. This is what the essence of branding is.
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| 1 min read
Using Facebook API we can pass instructions for several operations in a single HTTP request. Facebook API process operations as sequentially if it is dependent otherwise it will process as parallel. After completing all the operation it will send a consolidate response to you.
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| 2 min read
We had a requirement in one of our projects to pull the order status from SAP Business One to the orders of our Ecommerce site. Our site was integrated to SAP Business One using Zedsuite. Zedsuite allows custom queries created in SAP Business One to be accessed through an external interface. The query results can be fetched by calling the external URL provided by Zedsuite in our site and the customizations can be made as per our requirement in Drupal. Here in this case we are going to update the order status in E-Commerce site based on the status updates in SAP Business One. Read on to know more.
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| 4 min read
Can you imagine how it will be to manage Drupal sites without Drush. We may face one issue when Drupal 8 release coming up. Drupal 8 needs the all new version of Drush, and it won't be compatible with older Drupal version 6 and so. Drush version 5 is used to Drupal 6, drupal 8 requires drush of version 8, or else if you have scripts for Drush developed for version 6 or 7 will not work with the latest version of Drush. In this article lets see how we could experiment switching between the Drush versions.
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