Application Development

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Data plays an important role as you create great online shopping experiences for your customers. With the current webtrends it has become important for the commerce sites to find innovative ways to reach customers and drive profitable growth. If you are also searching for data collection then integrating your site with SAP Business One would be one of the best option. This small business software will help you better manage every aspect of your company - from sales and customer relationships to financials and operations. Read on to know more.
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Most people have the notion that a website is a one-time investment, and once it’s up and running, it needs no attention. Like a regular shop, which after being set up, needs proper maintenance - frequent cleaning, painting, occasionally replacing sign boards, broken windows and damaged objects and so on - a website also needs regular maintenance.The more time and expertise you invest into your website, the better it becomes.
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Are you familiar with responsive Web design? If not, then it's high time you get exposed to it. If your business is not utilizing responsive web design to your advantage or planning to go for it any time soon, your business is surely at risk. However, what exactly is responsive design?
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Most companies use techniques, such as Internet ads, social media, SEO, and video marketing for their marketing needs and to connect with their consumers. However, businesses lose out on a significant portion of consumers when they neglect mobile websites, an important component of their marketing strategy. Mobile ads constitute one-fourth of the total amount spent in digital marketing. Listed below are the reasons why you should have a mobile ready website.
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We have already seen how to pass banner ad attributes to landing pages and also how to how to pass custom site variables to landing pages in our previous articles. Now, how can we get them included in the form submit of a landing page and get them emailed along with the lead. Here is how we can do it. Follow these steps in your landing page corresponding to your ad.
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We have seen how to pass banner ad attributes to landing pages in our previous article, How to pass openx banner ad attributes to landing pages. We have passed the banner ad attributes supported by Openx using magic macros. Now, what if the variable that we want to pass is not available in the list of macros supported by OpenX? Read on to find out how to pass custom site variables in openx to landing pages.
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Drupal is a powerful portal framework and a content management system. However the power of the system can really be tapped into if the site is built right. Whether a Drupal site is built right or not is not something that may not be very obvious in all scenarios or for an untrained eye. There are definitely implications for not building Drupal right but the implications may not be very evident always. So how do you know if a Drupal site is built right?
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Quite often we get support requests from clients who believe that 95% of their site is working fine but for a few lingering issues which their previous developers could not fix / complete. In most cases the lingering issues are more symptoms of bad builds than pending issues. In such cases we usually insist on a full Drupal review and audit of the site before we work on the issues. The client would normally be shocked to know that there were a lot of things on the site that were not done right but it would be too late for any corrections by the original developers. So how do you know if your Drupal site is built right?
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Although the Drupal core provides all the basic functionality to run a website you need to have additional contrib modules installed to extract the full capabilities of Drupal. Here are 18 essential modules we have come up with for building a simple Drupal site. You might also find our list of the Top Drupal SEO modules and Top Drupal 6 modules to be of help. Contact us to get professional help to build your Drupal website. Drupal Theming and Drupal Migration are just two of the legion of Drupal services we have on offer.