
Zyxware default image4
| 11 min read
The data in websites can be easily lost or corrupted due to vulnerable attacks or human mistakes. So it is important to store the data safe and secure. The only way to ensure that the data is safe and secure is by keeping the backup of the site. Backup means copying the data in the site to another location so that it can be restored at any time when lost
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Creating basic page is a general test must be done for all Drupal sites. And you are decided to do this through automated tool Selenium.The problem we face here is that you can't test inserting contents in the CK Editor by record and play. You have to insert Selenium commands for adding contents in the CK editor. Lets see how this can be handled.
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| 3 min read
Git is very popular guy in the world of version control systems and it is distributed by nature Without using a VCS, handling a project's multiple versions will get you in trouble very often. If multiple people are working on same project, this may be thousand fold. But if your client's service provider only gave you ftp access and it happens quite often, so you have to handle the project without the help of git. But we can track files easily using git-ftp, without having ssh access to the server.
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| 4 min read
While resizing an image, the important point that we should take care is, the image dimension. Image dimension is basically the width and height of an image. It should be kept as in the same ratio of the original image while resizing, if you want your image to be distortion free. ie, the aspect ratio (width:height) of the original image must be same as the aspect ratio of the re-sized image.
| 6 min read
In a typical IT scenario, the success of a business depends on the ability to deliver projects on time, within the budget, and to the specification of the clients. Although developing in-house capabilities is a good solution, it could prove to be an expensive and risky venture, especially when the IT needs of an organization are rapidly changing. In short, when companies look for outside support in handling IT projects, they are basically considering two delivery models: Staff augmentation and Project outsourcing.
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Responsive web design is a new technique for building websites that work on tablets, desktop screens and mobile devices. websites were typically designed for desktop and laptop screen resolutions. This worked well until the advent of web supported tablets and smart phones. Responsive Web Design is a new concept which leads to design an application or website in such a way that the same design can be rendered in various devices of different orientations and screen sizes providing the users with the super possible user experience, if not similar.
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| 2 min read
Git is a control system for developing softwares. There are a number of git commands (Git reference). While searching bringing a commit from one branch to another, I came across an interesting topic called cherry picking. Cherry pick a commit? Sounds interesting!!!
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| 3 min read
Grep is an amazing utility on command line. Every one might have heard of grep. It's a great tool to search for a pattern with in a directory or in a file. On searching for a pattern using grep, the default result will print the pattern along with the line number at which the pattern is found. Grep is one of those handy commands on bash that are often used.
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| 3 min read
Hackerspace is organizing 'Code for Fun', a one-day workshop for children from class 5-7, on 30 March 2015, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m at SPACE, C11, Elankom Gardens, Vellayambalam. The workshop, held in partnership with SPACE (Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment) and Zyxware Technologies, provides kids the opportunity to learn how to create digital programs and acts as a platform to learn, share and showcase their hidden technical skills.
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| 4 min read
Have you ever thought about the challenges that organizations have to confront when it comes to IT talent? It goes without saying that one of the major bottlenecks is the lack of requisite skills and the inability to train and retain professionals with expertise in quality application development. Moreover, organizations are faced with the increasing need to cut down costs and enhance operational efficiency through technological innovation.
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| 4 min read
Website optimization is an important yet frequently overlooked component of web development and maintenance. In fact, quite often, the term ‘website optimization’ is confused with search engine optimization. Website optimization includes server-side optimization, assets optimization, and platform optimization.
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