
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Every marketer and entrepreneur would be familiar with the fact that if you need to attract consumers to your products or services, your website has to be mobile-friendly. For, example you probably are now reading this article on your smart phone, gotcha!! Consumers love to browse products even in their spare time - I know I do! And every time consumers want to search products, they prefer to do it from their mobile phones, which offers more convenience.
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| 4 min read
Staying ahead of your competitors in today's fast-moving markets is not an easy job. Your competitors might be continuously releasing a host of better products and adopting the latest technologies and aggressive pricing strategies. In this scenario, your success is determined by pricing intelligence – and this has to be accurate and completely up-to-date.
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| 5 min read
Painting a picture or composing music is something we associate with creativity instead of website development. Even the job titles such as 'UX analyst', 'software developer' and 'Drupal developer' does not give readers an inkling of an idea that it is creative work. However, building websites and applications is a lot like a work of art; the final product should be a harmonious collection of information that not only appeals to but also captivates the viewers. It should appeal to the viewer’s aesthetic sense so that they will enjoy browsing through the website. It is also an art of getting into the mind of the user to place content in such a way that even a first time user can easily find what they want rather than being cumbersome to use the application.
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| 4 min read
The introduction of a brand new Drupal 8 is all set to give developers a powerful yet flexible foundation that promises a brilliant experience to users of the web, commerce, and mobile. Everyone who supports online content, whether you are an IT developer, content manager, decision maker, or a site administrator, is surely in for a wonderful digital showcase.
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| 2 min read
On Thursday, 19 November 2015, Zyxware Technologies joined hands with the rest of the world in celebrating the official release of Drupal 8; the latest version of Drupal CMS, the most-loved open source web platform in the world. After 4 years of development and innumerable hours, Drupal 8 has stepped into the world with a fascinating array of improvements and features - promising a brand new future to the open-source community around the globe.
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| 3 min read
The introduction of Drupal 8 is sure to create a flutter in the web development circles; this latest version of Drupal, with cutting-edge features, is certainly promising some radical changes. Drupal 8, which embraces a variety of technologies including Symfony, Backbone, Twig, and YAML, is all set to create a revolution in the crowded CMS market.
Configure Views Filter criteria
| 4 min read
Configuration management is the task of tracking and controlling changes in a website. Site owners often want to have deeper visibility and control over configuration changes to maintain integrity and traceability throughout the lifecycle of a website.Configuration Management in DrupalThe Configuration Management Initiatives in Drupal include:
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
With Drupal 8 just around the corner, every Drupal developer is in a nirvana of excitement and eagerness. Drupal keeps getting better and better every day and Drupal 8 will make website development and management a five-finger exercise, because this latest version of Drupal has included some amazing and potent Symfony components to serve the big businesses better.
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| 3 min read
To keep the default values of the step one form after successfully submitting the step 2 form, here is an easy way. Just pass the form state values of step 1 form as query parameters to the same page on submitting step 2 form. Set the default values of step 1 form as, first check whether the form_state value is set. If yes, set the default values of step 1 form fields with the form_state values. Else check the URL query parameters, whether this variable is set. If yes, then set the default value with that value.
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| 3 min read
It would be an understatement to say that the implementation of HTML 5 in Drupal 8 is much-awaited. The introduction of HTML 5 is a big step for the Drupal community, as nowadays, with the proliferation of new-age devices, websites are no longer viewed only on desktops but in mobile phones, smart phones, and tablets.
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| 5 min read
Dries Buytaert, Founder and lead developer of Drupal CMS, set the tone for Drupal 8 in his Chicago Keynote back in 2011 when he said, “If I were to start Drupal from scratch today, I’d built it for mobile experiences first, and desktop experience second.” His vision has come true with the Drupal’s latest version, Drupal 8.0.0 RC (release candidate) due to be released on 19 November 2015.
| 5 min read
Over the past few days, the web world has been going gaga over the impending release of Drupal 8. With it's fascinating array of features and improvements, the latest version of Drupal has literally taken the world by storm.Needless to say, the latest version of Drupal  - which essentially focuses on presentation of content and user-friendliness, better ways to build APIs, creation of data structures, multilingual capabilities and advancements in mobile presentation - will be an amazing option for building global-ready websites, web applications, and mobile-first websites.
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| 5 min read
It’s been almost two and a half years since the launch of Drupal 7 and it has proved it's reputation as a reliable and stable platform that is being ably supported by some brilliant function expanding modules. Without resting on its past laurels, Drupal has decided to launch its latest version, the much awaited CMS, Drupal 8. With a fascinating array of features and improvements, Drupal offers a world of possibilities for developers, site builders, themers and marketers.
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| 5 min read
The web development world is buzzing with the news of the launch of Drupal 8, the world’s most loved CMS. With an amazing array of more than 200 new features and improvements, the upcoming release of Drupal 8 is sure to win hearts. Drupal 8, the latest version of Drupal slated for release this month, is touted to be a boon for API writer and application builders and of course, all those looking for a smoother mobile interface.
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| 4 min read
Most of us have struggled with certain social media buttons to align or fix them in a particular manner. But what if we could get the count figure and display the result in our custom button. Here I wish to share one method to implement this. Let's experiment how to fetch total likes count for a website from LinkedIn.
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