
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Marketing directors have been keen on designing their strategies for 2016 while keeping in mind the social media marketing trends that are going to have the biggest impact on their efforts. If you are in the middle of developing your social media marketing strategy for 2016, then you should definitely take some time to review the social media marketing trends for the year as predicted by experts.
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| 3 min read
Drupal is one of the most preferred Content Management Systems in the world, and needless to say, Drupal 8 is greatest release of Drupal till date. When it comes to Drupal 8, it makes things a lot easier for the digital marketer, with its power, easy usability and superior technology. According to the official website, Drupal 8 offers the following options for marketers:-
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
In API testing there is no front end available for testing. A logic layer will be build for the application on which we perform testing. Here emphasis will be on functional flow. It is basically a black box testing of various functionalities based on the response generated for an API call. These Responses for the API calls are used to validate the interactions.
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| 2 min read
As a dedicated Drupal company, Zyxware Technologies is all set to bring out a well-packed training syllabus for Drupal. There is a widely-held misconception in the web development world that Drupal is not easy to learn. However, We, in Zyxware, firmly believe that Drupal is for everyone who loves web development. Infact, there is no need of coding knowledge to develop a website in Drupal. So, one of our key objectives is to let the world know that learning Drupal is pretty easy; it is not rocket science as many believe it to be.
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| 5 min read
DrupalCon Asia: A significant moment in the history of Drupal Mumbai was surely on cloud nine, with DrupalCon Asia painting the city red in waves of excitement, diversity, and sheer vibrance. The three-day event, held from February 18-21, 2016, in IIT-Bombay, featured high-value summits, interactive knowledge sharing sessions, Birds of a Feather (BOFs) sessions, high-calibre presentations, workshops, training, and week-long code-sprints.
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| 4 min read
A Payment gateway tends to offer multiple types of payment services, that provides onsite and offsite options. Onsite payment is processed by a third party API using web services with the information gathered from our site through a checkout form (For example : Credit card/Debit card credentials). Offsite payment method, on the other hand, processes data entered in the payment gateway page. It redirects the users to the processing page of the payment gateway using the checkout form. After the payment is completed, the user will be redirected to the payment page, from where the user can move forward or backward in the checkout process. Here, let's take a look at the creation of custom offsite payment gateway module.
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| 4 min read
Zyxware Technologies is engaged in the business of web applications development services. Its chosen technology platform is Drupal, a Free Software. It is one of the largest code contributors to Drupal from India. We are looking for Project Managers who can lead our team towards delivering true value to our clients. The Project Manager will be responsible for managing the planning, execution and delivery of projects with the assistance of Project Leads. APPLY ONLINE Specifically, the person will be responsible for the following:
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| 5 min read
Zyxware Technologies is engaged in the business of web applications development services. Its chosen technology platform is Drupal, a Free Software. It is one of the largest code contributors to Drupal from India. It has set about an ambitious target of of Rs.100 crores in revenue by end of 2018-2019. Its current revenue stream is from USA and UK generated primarily through a strong on-line brand. As part of its expansion plans, it is pursuing off-line country specific strategies with a physical presence being a key element of the marketing strategy.
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| 4 min read
In this era of instant publishing, media organizations with a massive amount of assets such as photographs, PDFs, graphics and videos require the means to centrally store and process them in order to share them across multiple websites. Media companies have to manage and distribute relevant digital content across these multiple locations in the right size, with the appropriate titles and with the necessary copyright information.
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| 4 min read
Moodle is one of the leading Learning Management Systems available in the world. It is used to deliver course content and host online learning activities. It helps the students and teachers by providing a collaborative learning environment. Moodle enables teachers and students to communicate and participate in a range of teaching and learning activities via ‘courses’. Teachers may also use Moodle to provide students access to course-related resources.
MIgrate to Drupal
| 4 min read
As a user and developer, you would have surely heard about Drupal, a free and open source Content Management system (CMS) that has great developer network and is free and most secure too. All said and done, if you decide to make the transition from your existing CMS to Drupal, you would surely want to understand the steps to be taken, the cost involved etc. before you take the plunge. If the right kind of homework is done prior to migration, your team will be better prepared for the change and will also keep the migration costs down.
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