
Zyxware default image3
| 1 min read
In one of my work, there was a requirement to uncheck the option for 'Generate automatic url alias' checkbox for all nodes. I used the Pathauto module with version 7.x-1.2 for handling standard urls in the site. When changing a node title, its URL automatically changes. In case one forgets to uncheck the option 'Generate automatic url alias' in the node editing form, you can uncheck the option with the following steps:
Zyxware default image4
| 7 min read
The last decade has seen the quickening in the maturation of E-Governance across the world. This has been supported by the rapid increase in internet accessibility, the emergence of a number of applications for Government to Citizen, Government to Government and Government to Business services. This brief note works out the key values...
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Having taken care of the nitty-gritty details related to search in the previous article Search in E Commerce: The Vital Little Details, it is time to concentrate on some of the other important aspects - ‘faceted search’ being one of them. In this article, we will be explaining how facets can be used to provide relevant search results and thereby increase the conversion rate.
Hubspot Signup
| 2 min read
HubSpot CRM manage sales processes of organizations. We can create contacts, company, leads, tasks using direct HubSpot CRM UI or using APIs provided by HubSpot. Here we are going to look at the APIs to create, update and delete companies.Create a CompanyThis API is useful when we are integrating HubSpot with other site. Parameters to send Request
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
A patch is a small file which shows what was changed in a repository. It shows the new changes in an existing file, details of the new files in the current directory, file deletion details etc. A patch file can be pushed to the git repository so that it is useful in the future for updating the changes in the corresponding file. For creating a patch file in your current git repository, make changes in your files. Now open the terminal. For unstaged changes, type the following command,
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
To render a Drupal form to a node, drupal_build_form function is used. This function allows us to render all forms except the admin forms. Note that, admin forms didn't find success while rendering the same. In-order to render a form the following syntax is used,
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
We are a 11 year old digital solutions consulting and implementation service provider with a global clientele. Our brand has been present in North America for over a decade. With Drupal as the centre piece of our digital solutions, we have been a technology partner for many businesses in North America. We are a recognised company in the global Drupal community with us being one of the top contributors to Drupal in the world. We also have one of the largest Drupal teams in India. We have now set up operations in New Jersey, USA for greater engagement with our clients and deepening our footprint in the continent. We are now looking for a Sales Manager who can join us at our New Jersey office to lead our growth initiatives. The person will be responsible for identifying and reaching out to potential clients, build relationships and generate business from new and existing relationships. The person will also be responsible for building a sales team under him/her.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Zyxware Technologies is engaged in the business of web applications development services. Its chosen technology platform is Drupal, a Free Software. It is one of the largest code contributors to Drupal from India. We are looking for Inside Sales Executives to be part of our Business Development Team. They will be placed at our office in Trivandrum. APPLY ONLINE
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