
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
You have your new Drupal site all ready for take off. You just want to make sure you have everything well in place. Here is a little checklist for you to make sure you have the essentials ready. In this part of the checklist series, we look at the important performance related essentials for a Drupal website, so that your site is ready to receive the multitudes it oughta get. These will help you ensure that your site will sail smooth in times of high traffic.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
A "Package", the name seems very familiar but what exactly is a package when it comes to a web hosting manager. As the names itself says its meaning. Yes!!! it's a collection. But when you ask "what ?" the answer is "The collection of some predefined specifications". Thus a package can be explained as a collection of predefined specifications which define what a user or domain may have access to. WHM should have at least one package configured to start creating new user accounts with it.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
A web developer’s life becomes much saner if he/she has easy access to all page header information. Firefox offers you PLUGIN-NAME that helps you inspect headers. Here is something for the terminally inclined ones among you - wget. To view the http headers give the following command in gnome terminal : wget -S --spider
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
For any site - be it Drupal or non-Drupal, this is most probably due to simple mistakes made while entering attributes. Let us see one very common case where a simple mistake can cause glaring issues: We usually see the css given something like this. We do not see any glaring issue in the class defined below. #header { background:url("images/headback.png")repeat-x; width:1020px; height:120px; font-family:arial; position:relative; }
Zyxware default image4
| 1 min read
A white screen shows up while submitting a form in your Drupal Site? There could be many possible causes for WSODs (White Screen of Death) in Drupal, such as PHP error reporting settings, memory exhaustion, etc. If the exact reason could be figured out, fixing becomes much easier. For treating this specific WSOD issue on form submit, check for the following symptoms:
Zyxware default image4
| 5 min read
To ensure the security of confidential data in your Drupal site, testing has to be done to determine whether it protects its data and at the same time maintains its functionality. Web applications are always prone to unauthorized access to or modification of sensitive information. The testing done on the applications to remove such anomalies is called security testing. The following are some of the test cases for assuring the security of a Drupal website Authentication
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Here are some basic SEO tests that you can perform on your Drupal/Non-Drupal website. Whenever a change is made in your site, run these tests for better results and for good SEO ranking. All these test cases points out to possible problems in the Drupal/Non-Drupal website. The observations and results of these tests can then be passed on to the web developer for updations.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Drupal’s Devel module provides a wide range of functionalities that make a Drupal developer’s life much saner. Of these, the most useful one is the function dpm() which seems to have a twin clone - dsm(). For those who are unaware, dpm() is a highly useful function for neatly printing (pretty printing) arrays/objects etc in drupal. There is also a function dsm() in the devel module, which seems to do the same thing. Then which is the correct one?
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
If we are using a custom font on our webpage and if that particular font is not installed on a user’s computer, then there is a good chance that our website would become unreadable. One of the best solutions to overcome this scenario would be to embed the said font file into the CSS in the webpage source. Checkout the most simple method of embedding fonts within a CSS.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
The UC eCheck.Net module is a Drupal module that implements eCheck payments using Authorize.Net's eCheck.Net service and is a popular module for online shopping websites using Drupal for making payments along with Ubercart. The module was officially released for Drupal 6. We have managed to release the updated version of UC eCheck.Net to work with Drupal 7 and is available for download.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
In a common secnario if a user types the url of a Drupal based website without the 'www'.prefix they will be automatically redirected to the  required site with the complete url. This is very convenient for most web users who do not want to type in the obvious 'www' prefix. Webmasters can configure this by changing the settings of the Drupal .htaccess file. However this will  be a problem if the Drupal site has a mobile version with an 'm.' prefix. Users wishing to access the mobile version of that Drupal site will inevitably be redirected to the main website.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Git is a popular version Control System that is Free Software. Created by Linux Torvalds to manage the development and deployment of the Linux kernel. The advantages of Git prompted developers to use it in many other software projects which required a robust version control system. Recently Drupal made the official transition from CVS to Git citing its advantages. So If you want to be a great developer you should get to know Git and its strengths when compared to existing Version Control Systems.  Read on to get a better perspective on Git and its importance to Drupal.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
The Huawei USB modem that comes with new Reliance Netconnect+ mobile broadband connections might not work out of the box on an Ubuntu 11.10 box if the device id of the modem is 12d1:1505. Plug the modem into a usb port and run lsusb and check if the following line appears in the output - ID 12d1:1505 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd - and if it does then read on to see how to get this modem working on your computer. Create a file named 12d1:1505 inside /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/ and copy the following into the file DefaultVendor= 0x12d1 DefaultProduct=0x1505
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