
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Some Drupal Views users have encountered a Page not found error when they tried to navigate to the new Views Page files display they had created. This occurred after the preview page worked correctly and showed the correct test file in the table. It is not very clear what causes this error in the first place but there are multiple actions you can take to fix it. Read on to find out more.
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| 2 min read
Drupal Gmap module is a very useful module for embedding the functionality of Google Maps in your website. Currently the only way to access this map is to go to the " and find all the relevant info on a single map. There is no direct way to access i location nodes on a single map, inside a block or panel pane, or on pages other than However there is a workaround for this. Read on to find out more.
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| 2 min read
Drupal Views can be displayed as both blocks and pages. If you want the View to be embedded in a node in your Drupal site then the obvious choice would be to display it as a block. View blocks can be embedded in a node as any other block by calling a set of functions like block_load and drupal_render. However it is not directly possible to pass contextual filters as arguments to those functions if your View uses them. Read on to find out how to pass contextual filters to a View embedded in a node.
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| 2 min read
Zyxware in association with the Department of MCA at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore is conducting a 2 day workshop on "Advanced Drupal" at the College. The workshop is targeted at students and faculty at the college. Attendees of the workshop are expected to be good at PHP, MySQL and HTML. The workshop is scheduled for 3rd and 4th of Nov 2012. Objective of the workshop
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| 4 min read
Drupal starter themes are Drupal themes which are specifically designed to give the designer a base model for building their own custom themes. As such they are very minimalistic in their design and well documented to assist designers in getting a head start in designing their own unique theme. They are build to work with the help of Drupal's subtheming system. We have picked out the Top 5 Drupal starter themes for your convenience. Also checkout out the Top 5 Free Business themes for Drupal. Contact us if you need help with customizing any of these Drupal themes. We also provide numerous other Drupal services like Drupal Third Pary Integration and Drupal SEO.
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| 6 min read
Drupal 7 is now the focus of the Drupal community which was previously reserved for Drupal 6. Drupal 7 now has a lot more themes and theme frameworks which were adapted from the previous versions plus new ones created specifically for it. Have a look at the Top 10 themes for Drupal 7. Also check out the Top 10 themes for Drupal 6. If you need to develop your own custom Drupal theme, feel free to get in touch with us for a free consultation.We also provide numerous other Drupal services like Drupal Third Pary Integration and Drupal SEO.
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| 5 min read
With mobile devices becoming more ubiquitous and pervasive, the focus of web developers has shifted from the desktop to the mobile. This has introduced a new challenge to Drupal designers as themes should now work on desktops as well as a variety of handheld devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions. Responsive themes were created to respond to this challenge. Here are the Top 4 Drupal Responsive themes. Also check out The Top 10 themes for Drupal 6. If you want a custom responsive theme instead, contact us to build a custom drupal theme for you. We also provide numerous other Drupal services like Drupal Third Pary Integration and Drupal SEO.
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| 4 min read
Drupal now has a solid collection of high quality themes that can be customized to cater to the requirements of any website. This is apart from the base themes provided by Drupal. Here is our take on the top 5 of the most popular Drupal themes. Also check out The Top 10 themes for Drupal 6. If you would like to customize any of these themes for your Drupal website do get in touch with us
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| 5 min read
Drupal 6 featured a number of themes that are still largely popular even after the Drupal community and the rest of its entourage has started shifting its attention to version 7. We have listed out the Top 10 themes for Drupal 6 that were the theme of choice for most D6 sites and they stand a good chance to be updated to Drupal 7. Also checkout our list of Top 5 Free Business themes for Drupal and Top 5 Ecommerce themes for Drupal. If you need to develop your own custom Drupal theme, feel free to get in touch with us for a free consultation.
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| 5 min read
Ecommerce sites blend easily with Drupal. Drupal has a solid collection of Ecommerce modules and themes that are ready to convert a site to an Ecommerce power house. Here are the top 5 Ecommerce Themes for Drupal. Checkout our list of Top 5 Free Business Themes for Drupal. If you are planning to build your next Ecommerce site using Drupal do get in touch with us. We provide a wide range of Drupal services including Drupal Commerce and Drupal Third Party Integration.
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| 5 min read
Businesses can leverage the power of Drupal to power their online portfolios and websites. Drupal has a good collection of themes that are ideally suited for small and medium businesses and web portfolios. Have a look at the Top 5 Free Business Themes for Drupal. You might also find our list of 10 essential modules for building a small business website with Drupal to be of help. The fastest way to build your Drupal business website is to hand it to Drupal professionals. Contact us for a free consultation.
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| 5 min read
Facebook is yet to be powered by Drupal. We won’t be surprised if they did migrate to Drupal anytime soon. Scalability and Flexibility are Drupal’s core strengths which blend easily with the requirements of a social networking website. Checkout out the top 5 Social networking websites powered by Drupal. You might also find our list of the Top 10 Government websites built with Drupal to be interesting. We are Drupal experts and we can easily help you build your very own Drupal social networking site. Contact us for a free consultation.
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| 6 min read
Drupal is an excellent CMS that is well suited for a small business as it is Free Software. Plus Drupal has a flexible and robust modular architecture that resides in an excellent ecosystem of modules and themes and is serviced by a community spread throughout the globe. Here are 10 essential modules selected from this ecosystem for building a small business website with Drupal. Also check out our list of Top Drupal Performance mistakes. If you are looking for the fastest and most economical way to build your Drupal website, get in touch with us. We offer a wide variety of Drupal services ranging from Drupal migration to Drupal Security Auditing.
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Although the Drupal core provides all the basic functionality to run a website you need to have additional contrib modules installed to extract the full capabilities of Drupal. Here are 18 essential modules we have come up with for building a simple Drupal site. You might also find our list of the Top Drupal SEO modules and Top Drupal 6 modules to be of help. Contact us to get professional help to build your Drupal website. Drupal Theming and Drupal Migration are just two of the legion of Drupal services we have on offer.
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| 7 min read
Drupal is neither rocket science nor designed for developers alone. Any person without technical knowledge and programming skills can build and maintain a Drupal website or multiple sites quickly with little effort. There are a number of books which lets users get in touch with the basics of managing Drupal. We have listed out the Top 5 Drupal books for Drupal webmasters. Also checkout our list of the Top 3 Drupal books for Drupal Developers. If instead you want somebody else to do all the managing part you can hire us to manage your drupal website
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| 5 min read
News portals are just waking up to the immense potential provided by Drupal. Drupal provides a scalable platform that can retain its performance when there are traffic spikes which is typical of a news website. Here is our pick of the Top 7 News sites that have Drupal under their hood. If you are looking to get your news site built in Drupal get in touch with us for a free quote.Our Drupal Services include Drupal Migration Services, Drupal Maintenance Services, Drupal Theming to name a few. Also have a look at the Top 10 Government websites built with Drupal.
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| 5 min read
Trying to build the next Facebook? Then build it with Drupal. Use Drupal’s vast collection of modules to convert a basic Drupal site to a social network that can rival MySpace or Linkedin. We have listed the 10 essential modules for building a social networking site using Drupal. If you are looking for professional Drupal expertise for building your social networking site using Drupal, contact us. We can provide a host of Drupal services including but not limited to Drupal Performance, Drupal Security & Drupal Theming.
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| 4 min read
One of the best resources for Drupal developers is the official website of Drupal itself followed by blogs created by Drupal users and Drupal based companies. There are also a number of books written by battle hardened veterans of Drupal for other Drupal developers. Any Drupal Developer who wishes to get their hands dirty with Drupal should try out these Top 3 Drupal books for Drupal Developers. If instead you don’t want to get your hands dirty you can always hire us to get your Drupal work done. We can provide a number of Drupal Services from Drupal migration and Drupal SEO to providing a Drupal security audit to help build your Drupal site as quickly and securely as possible.
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A majority of the websites on the web are personal blogs and they are a very popular use for a CMS. Drupal provides most of the functionality required by a personal blog out of the box. However Drupal is not just a blogging tool, it is a full fledged Content and Workflow Management System which means that you can prepare for success once you blog takes off in a big way. Having the 10 essential modules for building a personal blog with Drupal will ensure that it takes less effort to have a successful Drupal blog. If you want to build your personal blog using Drupal, do get in touch with us. We also provide Wordpress to Drupal Migration services so that you can provide migrate your existing Wordpress blog to Drupal.
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