
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Ecommerce is evolving at lightning speed and so is the technology that backs it. Recent surveys have pointed out that the dependence on physical purchases for certain products and services will significantly reduce in the coming years, and by 2018, 50% of the world’s population would be part of the online shopping revolution that is sweeping across the globe.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
The online e-commerce and retail websites are growing at a super fast rate and are evolving into better sites constantly. As consumers expect to get newer and better experiences every time they shop, the technology driving these sites too needs to be growing and evolving simultaneously too. This will ensure that the modern shopper is given a whole new shopping experience with every trip to the online store. In its latest version, Drupal 8 has made adequate changes and additions to its platform to elevate the engagement level with the consumer.
Zyxware default image2
| 5 min read
Staying ahead of your competitors in today's fast-moving markets is not an easy job. Your competitors might be continuously releasing a host of better products and adopting the latest technologies and aggressive pricing strategies. In this scenario, your success is determined by pricing intelligence – and this has to be accurate and completely up-to-date.
Ecommerce Portals
| 4 min read
Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to any type of business transaction i.e. purchase and sale of goods or services performed via the Internet or any other electronic channel. Over the past few years, Electronic commerce has rapidly expanded owing to the convenience and affordability it offers.
Ecommerce Portals
| 4 min read
E-commerce websites are inherently complex, and simulating every possible action of a user is a formidable challenge. Testers often struggle to predict customer behavior, and rapid technological advancements make it even harder to select appropriate tools and techniques for E-commerce testing. Here are some of the key challenges in E-commerce testing, illustrated with examples: