Drupal Technical

Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
A number of Drupal users were looking for a way to populate a taxonomy dropdown menu with the child terms of a selection made in another taxonomy drop down menu. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and want to know how to populate a taxonomy dropdown menu with the child terms of a selection made in another taxonomy dropdown then continue reading to know more.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users were getting a Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in views_handler_field_prerender_list->render() (line 68 of views/handlers/ views_handler_field_prerender_list.inc) error message in their Drupal site. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and would like to know how to fix it then continue reading.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users were looking to know how to enable contextual filters in Views to accept words instead of ID numbers. This is especially useful in filtering items in a View using a taxonomy term as at a glance, only taxonomy term ids seem to be accepted. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and would like to know how to enable contextual filters in Views to accept words instead of ID numbers then continue reading.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
A Drupal user wanted to know how to pass variables from one View to another. The user wanted to pass a taxonomy term from the first View to the second view so that the second View could be filtered by the term from the first View. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and want to know how to pass variables from one View to another then continue reading.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
If you need to deliver a custom tailored home page to a user visiting your Drupal website based on their actual physical location you need to need to match their ip addresses with their actual physical location. There are many third party services that provide this functionality and you need to use the API key provided by them in your Drupal application. If you need to know how to get IP address and Country code from an API key to be used in your Drupal application then read on to know more.