Technical Blog

Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
One of our clients requested us to come up with a Drupal based web application to generate a PDF file from an HTML template. The client's site which runs on Drupal 7 allows users to create envelopes based on the custom designs submitted by the user through that Drupal website. The online envelope editor uses an HTML template during the edit phase of the envelope and generates a PDF file of the sample template when the edit process is completed. If you are looking to know how to generate a PDF file from an HTML template using dompdf then read on.
Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
Many Drupal users got a Notice: Undefined index: #size in file_managed_file_process() (line 446 of .../file.module) error while trying to create/edit a node using the Drupal Multiupload Filefield Widget module. Their files seemed to be uploading correctly but were accompanied by two error messages. If you are getting the same error message under when using the Drupal Multiupload Filefield Widget module then continue reading for the solution.