Technical Blog

Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Awareness about context plays a key role in effectiveness of each task we have to do because clear thought and action is mostly not possible with vaugue assumptions or guesses. In case of web development using Drupal framework, better if we predefine each and every context we have to go through and it is very important to save our time and helps us to work efficiently. So if you are a web developer and have Drupal in your toolkit, there is an interesting module called Context, which helps you to define contexts and set up your web application based on the defined contexts. This article helps you to start with context module.
Zyxware default image4
| 11 min read
Creating basic page is a general test must be done for all Drupal sites. And you are decided to do this through automated tool Selenium.The problem we face here is that you can't test inserting contents in the CK Editor by record and play. You have to insert Selenium commands for adding contents in the CK editor. Lets see how this can be handled.
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
While resizing an image, the important point that we should take care is, the image dimension. Image dimension is basically the width and height of an image. It should be kept as in the same ratio of the original image while resizing, if you want your image to be distortion free. ie, the aspect ratio (width:height) of the original image must be same as the aspect ratio of the re-sized image.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
What is htaccess ? The .htaccess file in Drupal is Powerful configuration file for web server. The .htaccess file loaded and executed when Apache server starts. .htaccess file in Drupal is used for varied functionalities such as Authentication, Redirect pages, Rewrite URL ,Directory Index and Limit access etc.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Organic groups module (og module) enables users to create their own groups and manage these groups. The Organic Groups module, provides user the ability to create, manage, and delete their own 'groups' on a site. Each group can have members, and maintains a group home page which individual group members may post into.Group membership can be open, closed or moderated.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
A Drupal theme is just a few PHP files, a CSS file, and an info file. Place your theme folder in the location sites/all/themes/themename of your project folder. Theme folder contains images, stylesheets, js files and templates. There are several files associated with a Drupal theme. Each file must confirm to Drupal naming and content standards
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
This article discuss about setting snippets for Geany, a light weight IDE especially for Drupal 7 web developers as per coding standards. For those whom doesn't know, snippets are a small piece of source code which are meant for reuse. For example: while coding instead of typing full if conditional statement structure for each time we can just reuse them by the means of creating snippet for the same.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
In Drupal function hook_menu_alter() allows you to alter various properties of menu items. In your custom module, simply add the function. MODULENAME_callback_function will check the node type and hide the node view and edit from a particular node type. Here for our nodetype the hook_menu_alter() will call the callback function MODULENAME_callback_function, which will not show the view and edit tabs for our nodetype in Drupal.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
The feedAPI module is a famous one for processing custom feeds in different formats like rss/Atom, csv, iCal etc. Now the feedAPI has upgraded to the "feeds",which have more features and easy to use and customize. However still a lot of Drupal 6 sites uses the feedAPI module for handling external feeds. Let us see how a new parser could be created in feed API module.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
In Drupal there is a lot of interesting modules. One of interesting module is the quiz.module. It is a framework for create interactive quizzes for your visitors. Also it allows for the creation of questions of different types, and to collect the questions into quizzes.