
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Globalization testing is a type of testing to make sure that software can handle any locale, culture, without breaking the functionality. This testing would be performed using all type of international input and validate whether the software is capable for using all around the world.
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| 3 min read
Now a days, website handles important functionalities like online transactions (payments, data transfer) etc. Therefore the security of the websites should be ensured or security testing should be carried out before taking the website to live. Security testing is a testing method in which we ensure that the confidential datas of a website are accessible only to the intended people and not to others. In this article, I have included a brief note on how to test Secure Pages module on a Drupal site.
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| 3 min read
Slideshow is one of the common functionality you would find in the homepage of websites. It is nothing but the slides with text/pictures used to give an idea of the website. It can be used to summarize the various aspects of the company into a compact and user-friendly slider. Slideshows can be of different designs. Some of the websites use buttons to highlight the navigation of the slides while others use numbers, thumbnail images and so on. Here I have included an image, in which numbering is used for highlighting slider navigation.
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| 3 min read
Nodequeue is a module in Drupal which allows users to enlist, remove, arrange and display a queue of nodes. It has a drag-and-drop interface which facilitates the manual re-ordering of the queue. Even without the edit permissions to nodes, users are allowed to add and remove nodes from the queue. This module is usually used on sites which have features that allow users to manually control the order of display of nodes.
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| 4 min read
Performance testing is one of the testing methods which is carried out to ensure the quality of the product/website we deliver. It mainly focuses on the speed of the application, possible load the product can support, amount of stress the website can handle, user's access to the website etc. Following are the some of the checklists that you can refer while carrying out the performance testing of your application. Read on to know more.
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| 3 min read
Suppose your Drupal project handles products which can be purchased through online and you are using Ubercart 'taxes' module to handle tax rates which are applicable to your product. Also Admin has the permission to add tax rates and conditions. And a registered user can buy the product. Here I am going to explain some of the test cases which you have to execute while testing this functionality. The cases you have to test are:
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| 3 min read
Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example. Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
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| 3 min read
The performance of a site should be tested in order to ensure how fast and reliable a site is. In this article I will be covering the steps to be followed for carrying out some of these performance tests. The topics being 'testing the GZipped Content Delivery', 'Whether FTP is enabled on Server', 'MySQL Remote Access on Server' and 'Password Based SSH Access on Server'. Drupal Performance Test - GZipped Content Delivery In order to check the gzipped content delivery,
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| 3 min read
User migration in web application is the process of migrating all users from one site (development site) to another (live site). Recently I have worked on a project where I got a chance to test user migration. In our project we had developed user migration in a sandbox environment. Following are the test cases for user migration. Test cases/checklists:
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| 4 min read
Drupal sites usually have authorized as well as unauthorized users. The privilege of authorized users is that they can access certain pages of the website in addition to the pages that can be accessed by unauthorized users. A user account page/Login page is included in Drupal for those users who wish to access the website as an authenticated user. Read on to know the test cases to test the login page in Drupal. The default Drupal Login page mainly consists of following three tabs (Check the images for reference).
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| 5 min read
Global Redirect is a functional module which ensures the correct redirection of users to the alias of a given drupal path, thus avoiding duplicated content from multiple URLs. This is very important for SEO because otherwise search engines will see the same content at the Drupal path as well as at its alias causing it to believe that the site is duplicating content at two different URLs