Drupal 7

Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
SEO is the bread and butter of any website and Drupal is no exception. The rules of SEO are pretty much the same in a Drupal as on any other CMS or plain HTML website but there are some SEO mistakes that are unique to Drupal like the ones found in our list of the Top 6 SEO mistakes found in Drupal sites. Also checkout the Top 6 SEO modules for Drupal to achieve even better Search Engine rankings. If you would like to ensure that all SEO aspects are taken care of in your Drupal site do get in touch with us
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
We have released a new Drupal theme targeted at small business websites. The Media Blue theme - is now available on Drupal.org. You can read more at the home page for Media Blue Drupal theme at our free Drupal themes site. As with our other Drupal themes, the theme is released under GPL 2.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
We have released a new Drupal theme targeted at small corporate websites. The Business Yellow theme - is now available on Drupal.org. You can read more at the home page for Business Yellow Drupal theme at our free Drupal themes site. As with our other Drupal themes, the theme is released under GPL 2.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
This is how you would normally render a view display passing filter inputs via code: $view = views_get_view('view-name'); $view->set_display('display-name'); $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $filter_1 = $view->get_item('display-name', 'filter', 'filter_1_id'); $filter_2 = $view->get_item('display-name', 'filter', 'filter_2_id'); $filter_1['value'] = "value1"; $filter_2['value'] = "value2"; $view->set_item('display-name', 'filter', 'filter_1_id', $filter_1); $view->set_item('display-name', 'filter', 'filter_2_id', $filter_2); dpm($view->render());
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Frequently we come across Drupal sites (live or testing) where the user 1 passwords are not known to the owner of the site. You can retrieve the password by changing the email address of user 1 to your email address and then use the forgot password option to reset your password. But if you don't want to change the user 1 email address but instead just want to change the password of user 1 there is an easier alternative via the database.
Zyxware default image1
| 5 min read
When a server is managed by more than one admin, it’s always a challenge to keep track of the changes made to the configuration. And when in a multiserver environment managed by more than one admin, this is going to be more complex. It would have been much saner if there was a utility to handle all this. The ones that we found were quite complicated and was made for handling huge numbers. All we wanted was a very simple utility to do just the job, without much bells and whistles. And so, we started out on our own. Here’s what we have now.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
By default Drupal 7 has two types of views - The Full node view and the Teaser view. This has been the case for all previous versions of Drupal. However if your requirements are different, then you might have to create a custom view that is tailored to meet your specific needs. Check out how to create a simple custom “View mode” for nodes in Drupal 7.